Se Aliens é a prova de algo, é de que James Cameron sabe escrever diálogos.Game over, man. Game Over!
Alguém já deve ter percebido que prefiro falar dos filmes antes do que ficar apontando o dedo quando a Inês já morreu. E quando faço isso o filme acaba sendo bom, por isso vou falar de James Cameron... pra dar sorte.
Talvez seja um asshole que cria inimigos a cada take. Eu sei que houve uma tentativa de envenenamento nas primeiras semanas de filmagem de Titanic, James Cameron enfiou o dedo na goela antes que a seguradora percebesse. De fato não sei quem é ele, ou Spielberg, George Lucas, Polanski ou etc. Sei que todos eles apanharam na escola, principalmente Spielberg.
Mas o cara sabe escrever diálogos:
Hudson: Hey Vasquez, have you ever been mistaken for a man?
Vasquez: No. Have you?
Vasquez: Hey, Mira. Who's Snow White?
Ferro: She's supposed to be some kinda consultant. Apparently she saw an alien once.
Hudson: Whoopee-fuckin'-do. Hey, I'm impressed.
We're on an express elevator to hell; going down!
Hudson: Oh dear Lord Jesus, this ain't happening, man... This can't be happening, man! This isn't happening!
Ripley: *Hudson!* This little girl survived longer than that with no weapons and no training.
Hudson: Why don't you put her in charge?
Hudson: We're all gonna die man.
Ripley: Well, somebody's gonna have to go out there. Take a portable terminal, go out there and patch in manually.
Hudson: Oh yeah, sure! With those things runnin' around? You can count me out.
Hicks: Yeah I guess we can just count you out of everything, Hudson.
Bishop: [speaking under Hicks] I'll go.
Hudson: That's right, man.
Bishop: I'll go.
Hudson: Hey, why don't you go, man!
Bishop: [more loudly] I'll go.
Ripley: What?
Bishop: I'll go. I mean, I'm the only one qualified to remote-pilot the ship anyway.
Hudson: Yeah right, man, Bishop should go.
[Vasquez looks at Hudson with disgust]
Hudson: Good idea!
Bishop: Believe me, I'd prefer not to. I may be synthetic, but I'm not stupid.
I just want to tell Mr.Cameron good luck. We're all counting on him.
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EDIT: Retiro tudo q disse. O filme é um cocô.
Labels: James Cameron